Saturday-Went to my brothers house, had a wonderful meal of grilled tuna with seseme seeds. I took my salad (below) which was a big hit. I felt AWFUL as we just didn't have money this year, but stopped at the local 7-11, and got 1$ lottery tickets and put them in a CMU (GOOOOOO CHIPS!) Folder. Sorry, its all I could do-they were gracious and actually it was fun.
My kids were very creative, the girls kept wrapping presents that were THEIR toys, to give to the others. My mom had given Little one a set of "classic" books last year, and Several of these were regifted and re wrapped. It was sweet.
Sunday was the hub machine's family Christmas in Rosebush. I took a 1989 Cabernet I had --at first it was a little vinegary, but then it opened up VERY nicely. I still had a case of wine so I brought up a bottle from there and "retail" now is over $600 dollars. It's been SO LONG since I tasted great wine, I was just THRILLED I could really TELL the difference....the velvety smoothness hit my tongue..Oh my God...whoever thinks wine is just wrong. The "nose" the smell..was FABULOUS filling the glass, the aroma...yummy, fruity, with tones of brown. I still have another bottle in the cellar so I'm thrilled. My contribution again was my salad, and it was a BIG hit. Usually this party is very FOOD oriented...Family brings some favorites..Uncle Howard always makes his stuffed mushrooms that go FAST, this year Don made his famous Potato Soup, Aunt Tracy makes this incredible chip dip which I didn't get any of, and lots of cheese, bread, crackers, Aunt Laura made a couple Meat pies that were great, on and on.
Life is really appreciated this year--Aunt Chris, was in a terrible Bike/Van accident. She was riding her bicycle and a Van hit her near Lansing...her recovery has been slow, but steady. Her Legs are messed up, but didn't have a closed head injury (WEAR A HELMET!!). I was in the hospital in July for emergency Gall bladder surgery, and I really haven't been right since last year when I was in for 10 days from Diverticulitis.
Christmas eve, My Mom came down and Don had made BEEF BRISKET. It was fabulous.
WE had salad, and potatoes with parsley, corn and wine. Mom brought down two pies.
We opened presents. Mom got mostly socks, but I had put together a montage Photo Frame for her..She really liked it. I had taken photos at my brothers house Saturday, and got them developed quickly, and used some of them...I was pretty happy with results but would have liked to have more time to put it together.
I got a BEAUTIFUL ring from Minnie Me, she spent her own money on it. It has diamond like crystals all around it.

I also got a Butane torch..which may seem rather odd...but I can't WAIT to make my own Crem' Brulee with it and use it to darken the sugar on top. OOH that Santa!!
We watched our copy of "the Christmas story".
Hub had to work on Christmas, but I took the kids to Ithaca Baptist Church for the Christmas eve service at 10. It was very nice. Candle light, got to see the Powers, Doug Wolfgang, Brian and his two boys etc. It was very nice, and not nervous which I was as we had not been there in a while.
Christmas we slept in and were lazy. Made another salad to take to Beth and Jerry's, We got there about 4, Beth made a WONDERFUL ham, Ty made tatos. hub got there a while later, we got to see their cool Florida vacation photos. They have a condo down there, I can't wait to be able to visit and stay there. Ty gave William this COOL scarf that he has been wanting with "Jack" from Nightmare Before Christmas movie. It Matches his hat that he never removes.
Robyn had sent us a box that we got to open for Christmas. She sent the kids each gift cards from Wal mart, Don got some luscious coffee and mugs, and I got a Nice jacket--she said if it didn't fit me to send it back to her. I got to break the bad news to her that it FITS ME PERFECTLY!!! I'm keepin it!! Robyn's generosity always amazes me, and I simply don't know what to say sometimes. I am literally left speechless, and that doesn't happen very often.
Earlier this year, Joy got some clothes for her Webkinz pets. One was a santa outfit for "bella"

Today..took kids to Midland mall to use their Gift certs'. William got a new "Nightmare before Christmas" hoody. In Keeping with "Love and Logic", I made both William and Helena pitch in for gas are napping, and I"m going to join them!
Hope your continued holiday is restful and filled with peace.
1 comment:
I love the ring! How sweet, and I'm sure it was one of your favorites.
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