Who Are We?
Church Resource Ministries is committed to the centrality of the local church in God's plan for reaching the world with the good news of Jesus. The ministry is committed to values such as: Evangelical Theology, Discipleship, Church Growth, Church Planting, Teams, Servanthood, Risk, an Entrepreneurial Spirit, Accountability, and the Presence of God in all that we do.
What Do We Do?
The purpose of CRM is to develop leaders to strengthen and start churches worldwide.
How Do We Do It?
CRM is in the leadership business. Our staff are missionaries to churches, pastors and lay leaders. CRM staff are "gifts" to the Church. We come alongside and incarnationally encourage, coach, and equip leaders to plant, grow and lead dynamic, culturally relevant churches.
We also develop systems and strategies that can greatly improve and accelerate a church's ability to reach the unchurched and multiply its evangelistic influence into every segment of society.
Where Do We Do It?
CRM teams minister in major American metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, New York City, Phoenix and Portland.
InnerCHANGE, CRM's ministry among the poor, places specially trained staff teams in the inner cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Caracas, and cities in Cambodia and Romania.
Internationally, CRM teams minister in Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, France, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Ukraine the United Kingdom, and Venezuela.
What Do We Hope to Accomplish?
CRM envisions movements of fresh, authentic churches, pioneered by godly leaders, fired by a passion for their world, compelled to multiply their lives and ministry; so that the name of God is renowned among the nations.
CRM Model of Ministry
Our Model of Ministry is a description of our strategy... the distinctives of how we move from what we do toward results. To accomplish our vision:
CRM creates
Communities of Transformation
Mentoring relationships
in which leaders are empowered.
This strategy is accomplished in four primary contexts:
* Among church planters
* Among pastors and lay leaders
* Among selected unevangelized urban settings and people groups
* Among the poor
By create we mean: CRM staff catalyze and shape multiple forms of communities and mentoring relationships. While our staff will primarily lead, they will also coach others to lead and will train others to coach.
By communities of transformation we mean: the type of small group or cells where leaders can know and be known. It means safe environments where there is transparency, honesty and the type of accountability that promotes genuine spiritual growth and authentic change.
By mentoring relationships we mean: The deeply human, one-to-one connections where life and skills are transferred. It is the experience in which one person empowers another by sharing God-given resources in the type of relationship beyond what can be experienced in a group setting. Such mentoring relationships include those of a discipler, coach, teacher, sponsor or model.
Among existing leaders--pastors, church planters, and lay leaders--our communities of transformation take the form of reproducible systems such as New Church Incubators, New Church Networks, Focusing Leaders Networks, and ReFocusing Church/Ministry Networks.
Where few or no leaders exist--in unevangelized urban setting and among the poor--our communities of transformation take the shape of small groups for seekers, creative cell groups, discipleship clusters, and ministry that is highly incarnational.

1 comment:
think they'd loan us some people for Vintage....especially in childcare?
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