One guy within TWO hours in Saginaw...was released...tried to get a 7-11 employee to get him a hot dog..and stuffed his shirt with cigarettes, was videotaped, and caught within 2 hour from his release!! it was CRAXZXXXY! We laughed our butts off!!
While in Mt. Pleasant...a guy robbed a bank with the EXACT same type of vehicle that he had before...he stole a car (same make and model) he used in his first crime, robbed a bank (with a DRILL). One way they caught him was he wrapped the drill in duct tape and left a fingerprint on the tape. HOWEVER...the astute Parole Supervising Agent George...says...WWAIIIT a minute...THIS sounds a LOT like my guy xyz....pull out xyz's file and it was almost IDENTICAL. Yep...same guy...same crime...different year. I Think it was the same bank also though I can't remember.

CLOVERDALE, Ind. - A 22-year-old man was back behind bars about 12 hours after he was released from jail, accused of stealing a car and beer and leading police on a high-speed chase.
Darren E. Roberts was released from the Sullivan County Jail Tuesday afternoon after competing his sentence for auto theft.
But Indiana State Police say that early Wednesday morning, Roberts stole a 2004 red Ford Mustang in Linton, then drove to a gas station in Cloverdale where he allegedly stole some beer and fled.
Police chased the red Mustang at speeds of up to 105 mph on Interstate 70, until the car spun out and Roberts surrendered.
He's now being held in the Putnam County Jail without bond on a variety of charges. It's not immediately known if he has an attorney.
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