Nobody can understand if they don't have a child in Dance. Monday night= Rehersal (for TWO kids), get home late, spend money eating bad food out, little sleep.
Tuesday= Dance rehearsal, other child, go out to eat with Grandma who is getting more and more...well Alzheimer-ish, Get bad food, get home late...get NO sleep because I think its coming close to "that" time-and for some reason I'm insomniac...
Weds= go to co workers, with her LESS than WEEK OLD BABY, hold baby (4# ?ounces), get stuff graded, and sent in....
Dance recital..AFTER, oldest son's 8th grade graduation. My one person that still reads this may know..I was out of work a LONG time. I debated about giving up the $$ for teaching tomorrow afternoon (3 classes at one time thanks to Interactive Television Courses)...but ....and My 8th grade son said he didn't care.........but...I figured out in time that I cared. ....so...I'm only teaching classes tomorrow morning (4 classes) so I can attend his graduation. (I'm also on the School Board of that school and I think it is important Board members actually show their face at events).
THEN>.....Rush to RECITAL night one. Friday....work all day RECITAL NIGHT TWO....
SAT: THREE SHOWS, plus cater luncheon for about 30. .....
So..If a person doesn't have any kids in dance...they can't even begin to imagine my week.
And you ask why you drive,pay for, etc.? Because when you see us up there, it's ALL worth it. Right? And Miss Jenn especially enjoys your cooking. But to me it's all fun... adrenaline through my blood...it's all good! (Wink)
Sounds like my life in fast forward! I can hardly wait until both granddaughters are in school! LOL.
So I'm thinking my 60's will be just as jammed-packed as my 50's are becoming! Well, at least I will not become BORED! LOL.
So, did you spend Saturday and Sunday getting some sleep after that grueling week?
No, On Saturday, we had three recitals--10:30, 2, and 6:30. AND...my husband and I catered Lunch and Dinner for all of the dance employees, and lighting/stage sound guys (about 30 ) inbetween the 10:30 and 2:00 show. It was grueling.
Yesterday....Sunday...went to friends for her brother in law's surprise bday, and I deep fried 2 turkeys and 2 chickens....I'm spent...One more week of school......
oh honey....You are a great mom.
11 hours on the road yesterday, getting unburied...
let's make a date in one week.
My sister danced for years... I remember the craziness well!
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