Thursday, October 26, 2006

May Peace be upon us

After pickiing up middle daughter from School Tuesday, and helping her as she barfed...I thought we were done. On Weds after all the kids got to school, I started in. Severe Cramping, puking...malaise as I have not known. I had a huge monthly meeting I am in charge of...called people and told them they were on their own.
I went back to bed.
Late afternoon, a friend called, very upset. Don and I have a ministry of food, so we made some food and took it over. I am still evaluating what happened, but I was put into a position of "arbitrator", and it actually worked very well. Amazing how God sometimes gives you the boldness and the words just at the right time.
I'm showered, and clothed, and going to try and go to work. I feel weak, but I need to show my face.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...


the pics are great....that WAS new years when we watched Napoleon Dynamite and laughed until we cried and set off the firecrackers out front.

I miss you so much.