Saturday, January 03, 2009

GROSS out alert!!

This is My Joy. She is not Gross.

This is Grace, Born two weeks before my middle. She is Brilliant, Pretty and Kindhearted.

She takes after her mommy.

These injuries are a LOT worse than they look in the pictures. Ooozing white blood cells continue to crust over and peel off. GET THE BUCKET.

One of my presents was a trip to South Carolina to see ROBYN, one of the dearest people on earth. It was a Very quick trip. Well..not quick but..2 days travel there, 2 days actually visiting, and 2 days back. Ugh. Can a person get butt sore? YES.
My middle was playing with all their cool stuff and WIPED out on a non electric scooter. DEEP nasty Scraping oozing wounds ensued. Bleh.

1 comment:

Mini Me's Room said...

that's me with my "ohmigosh I can't move I'm in too much pain" face