My Mentor Cathy, was going to the Mt. Pleasant Michigan airport..and LO and BEHOLD!!! Ringo Starr's airplane was landing!!! Her brother is a pilot for big muckymucks, and they got to meet him, his entourage, and see the inside of his plane!! I KNOW SOMEBODY who Met somebody!!

How about YOU? Met anyone famous, or have story to share?....I'll save B.B. King for another time.....
Not a damn one, but if I could meet Michael Douglas, I would sleep with him right then and there. Slut, I know.
That's very cool. Never met anyone famous, but I'm TOTALLY with Working Mom on sleeping with Michael Douglas, I could add a few more to that list too! lol
Do the Kincaids count?
I met the Fonz! I was at a political event..under duress and a work type function I was waiting for the Clinton's..(when he was gov of AK)...and the fonz came and talked to me and my friends..we were drunk...when I was in HS I worked at the Arch and Scott Baio visited..that was cool
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