David Bloch, produced a series of black and white lithographs and color oil paintings upon his retirement in 1975 in Mt. Vernon, NY, to help understand and remember the Holocaust. Among David's many accomplishments include his lithographic work for the Johnson White House and delicate plates depicting the flowers of all the states in the Union. His work includes water colors, wood cuts and oils.
He was a promising young porcelain decorator with a scholarship to the State Academy of Applied Arts in Germany, in 1934, when Jews were expelled from the school. He was arrested and interned in Dachau. When his uncle sent him money to get out in 1940, he fled East and joined the growing refugee community in China. He lived in China for 9 years and there he met and married his wife Lilly. In 1949 they emigrated to New York.
In 1983, several of his lithographs were exhibited during the Temple Community Program,"Crying Hands: Deaf Victims of the Holocaust," featuring German speaker Professor Horst Biesold, a former teacher of the deaf, of blessed memory. David then donated a set of those lithograph prints to TBS: Knock at Midnight, The Last Stop, Reception/Deception, (pictured) The Empty Box (Angel of Death), Never Again and Crying Hand are a few of the titles. They are among our most cherished possessions.
David's works have been displayed across the country. His Holocaust artwork is hard-hitting and emotional as well as extremely thought provoking. He turned a harrowing experience into an aesthetic legacy which carries a stronger message than most other media can, and effectively promotes the constant plea of "never again".
The art is haunting..
I love it. Something intriguing about it.
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