Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kid quotes

After my Son's IEP (He's OFF the charts in most subject areas, and Math..yah Not so hot) ...and discussing the possibility of looking for some type of on line or CD rom Math for the summer...
"Mom, Satan's Favorite subject is MATH".

"MATH" is derived from the Latin "mathis" meaning "Satan's Alphabet" -Urban Dictionary

Person A: "I hate my life and I want to make it horrible"
Person B: "I know of a good math class..."

one of Lucifer's many ways of making us suffer.


Kathy said...

Kids can be SO FUNNY! Sounds like he has a good sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Amen..I wish I was good at math..and spelling..and gym..and art..

Oooo I see a trend.