"Saving you money...One Dime at a Time!"
Week Of: May 5, 2008
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He has CONSISTENTLY given Great tips for years, scours the internet for great deals and has really helped change our lives. Grandpa Terry's Free Ebook
This month he offered:
42 Of My Favorite Italian Recipes
This is a picture from of him from his website:

This is the note I sent him this morning:
What we have done just recently to save money:
* Take old shampoo./dishwasher liquid bottles to the Food Co op and have them refilled. One bottle lasts...well ..we haven't worn out a plastic bottle yet. With 3 urchins, I just like that we aren't throwing all the extra plastic in the trash
*We have stopped as much as possible BUYING bottled water. WE use REFILLABLE tap water from home.What ever "special" squeeze bottle they want is fine, it's cheaper than buying for every event.
Three Urchins + Tae Kwon Do+ dance= lots of money literally that is just "peed" away. Tap water=free $$. Sometimes the kids remember to fill bottle 1/3 full and put in freezer, then fill it before we leave= COLD bottled water! I think we save at LEAST ten dollars a week just doing this.
* We take our kids to charter school 40 minutes from home. I pack Snacks for when we pick them up so we aren't Sucked into the "I"m so hungry I"m going to pass out PLEASE stop at McDonald's trap".
*I joined the kids Charter School Board so I would know what is REALLY going on. Benefit: I KNOW what is going on. We RARELY have ANY parents or staff come. How does this affect money??? I am helping Shape MILLIONS in the budget, teacher salaries etc. Readers can save by this tip maybe: Our managing company gives a small kick back to an employee if they don't take the insurance. (Say for instance a spouse had insurance and it covers them). Benefit to school is thousands in Cost, even tho ALL savings doesn't go to employee, it is more cash in their pocket.
* I got addicted to "Propel" water drink. I was buying it at $1.75 a bottle from one of the schools vending machines where I teach Sign Language EVERY day. I found the Powered packets TEN for a dollar, and use them as a TREAT once a week IN my bottled tap water (remember the item above?). And guess what??? Its' JUST FINE!!! LOL.
Great tips, and with gas and eggs and milk and all else, we need them.
I don't get the refill..you can take a bottle and have them fill it with shampoo?
Yes. You bring your own bottle in, any size etc..they weigh the bottle, fill it with whatever product you choose--hair conditioner, hand soap, laundry soap, shampoo etc, then re weigh it. Then you pay. its like BULK Food sort of.
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