Wednesday, March 11, 2020

High School Suicide
Jordan Elise Rae

I didn't know this young 16 years old who ended her life. By accounts, she had been researching how to suicide for a couple months. She was very popular and beautiful. She was on the competitive cheer team, and many extracurricular activities. Her stepmom passed away and her mom is hospitalized for undisclosed mental health issues. I may not have all the details correct.
What should have been a small event took over. She 'got caught', aka, willingly took the fall for a couple friends and herself with vaping pens. Vaping is a newer electronic way to smoke or use "dab", oil-based marijuana. Reports are that one of the girls involved told the hall monitor (Her sister) about the girls in the bathroom. Her father, a professional immigrant from South Africa was brought to the school. She went home and was in her room when her dad went fully off on her, screaming and yelling how she had "disgraced" the family. He is from a very shame-based society. While he left her room to cook dinner, she went out to the garage and hung herself. Her dad, looking for her, couldn't find her, called several friends to see if she had been picked up. He later found her, cut her down and tried to do CPR.
Her funeral was a huge deal at the Potter's House Church where she attended. The local High School where she attended class, adjusted exams for the entire school, and released kids for the day.
All of this is horribly sad. A life cut down, lost opportunity, a community grieving.

There was more. Immature inappropriate snap chatting occurred resulting in more hurt feelings and drama. There's nothing so horrific that Social Media can't make it worse. These are not really my stories to tell. Families lives ripped apart. Threats, school and police involvement all make it worse.

I've thought of it before.  Decades ago when I was so abused I literally wasn't thinking straight. I remember sitting on the side of my bed when I had come back to my mom's house wondering, "What should I do next?...Wash my hair or eat breakfast". That broken-down where the simplest decisions are too heavy to bear.
I had lost all that was known to me...a "Godly spouse", the perfect high school sweetheart marriage, and the dream of being better than my mom, a thrice divorcee. This lead me to accept situations later on in life that had I not had this background, I could have made better choices for myself.
When a history of abuse is present, the roots go deep.
I feel for this girls family, for her Cheer mates, her classmates, the counselors at her school, her siblings, her church family, her dad, our community.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Anonymous said...

hi, please delete this, this is a friend of jordan's. This is really disrespectful and is throwing salt on opened wounds, please just let her rest, her family wants to keep the situation private.

Anonymous said...

Please delete this for the sake of respecting the friends and family!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This person doesn’t care and it’s disrespectful